Thursday, June 16, 2016

Muncho Lake is beautiful, even prettier over cinnamon rolls

We arrived at Muncho Lake around 1 PM.  After driving in rain for most of the day, the sun came out as we rounded the bend to this stunning, ice blue lake.  Along the way we stopped at Testa River Lodge for a fill up and for their "World Famous" cinnamon rolls. Seems that if you drive the Alaska Highway, you are obligated to stop by to check the veracity of the claim.  They were very good.  We are getting pretty far north now.  Near the solstice that means late sunsets (10:50 PM, but still nautical twilight until well past midnight) and early sunrises (4:10 AM tomorrow).  It can mess with your "lower 48" sensibilities when you look out the window at 10PM and see the sun on the horizon.  

We ate breakfast at Tim Horton's and saw this coming out.  Then we went straight anyway ignoring the arrow.

Testa River Outfitters and Lodge.  Photo from the internet. In the pouring rain we forgot to take a shot.

We have been on the lookout for the ubiquitous wildlife along the way. This black bear was sitting by the side of the highway munching on some wildflowers.  This is the 5th black bear we have seen thanks, in large part, to Mary's eagle eyes.  It's the first that was kind enough to pose near a pull-out so we could get some photos. 

We stopped near Summit Lake (the high point on the Alaska Highway at around 4,000 feet.)  You can't see it in this photo of John, but alongside the highway was a special view of falls cutting through the rock. It was 39 degrees at this stop. The rain that was pelting us, was snow farther up the mountainside.

Just a random spot on the side of the roadway.

We're about 40 miles south of the Yukon/British Columbia Border

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