Wednesday, June 29, 2016

28 June, Fairbanks, Alaska

Today was a lazy day.  John and Pam took a local 40-mile walk before taking Dory to a grooming appointment.  Richard, Mary, Chris and Christopher took off looking for birds near Eielson Air Force Base to the SE of Fairbanks.  We didn't have a lot of luck.  Afterward it was a trip to the Commissary before meeting up at a local brew pub: Hoo Doo Brewery.  The place was jam-packed.  The beer was good. 

Blue bird day in Fairbanks. 81 degrees. What the heck is going on with climate change?  We expected something like 60 degrees.

No real luck with any significant birds.

Chris and Christopher at the Eielson AFB Air Park.  

"I could fly that Dad."

Hoo Doo had the best beer so far in 6500 miles of travel and about 20 brew pubs.

Interesting place.  Since they don't serve food, the place permitted us to bring in our own. We stopped by Subway along the way for a cheap date.

Afterwards we stopped by Hot Licks for some very excellent ice cream.

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