Saturday, June 11, 2016

11 June. Too little time in Jasper National Park

11 June.  We went to sleep on the 10th with a power outage. So any circadian rhythm fake-out we might have been able to provide our bodies by watching another episode of "Hell On Wheels" (Blu-ray), was out the window.  Sunset is now around 10PM. It's challenge to get the trailer dark enough to sleep, but we manage.  We hit the sack with Kindle around 8PM to rain.  The forecast would have it stopping by sunrise. Don't trust the weather man.  The rain stopped around noon on the 11th.  We took quick advantage of our day in Jasper and went with a hike John found in a local guide.  It was spectacular.  There's a word I have under-utilized "spectacular."  There is lot of that around here.  

We drove above town to Pyramid Lake and saw this from the parking lot at our trail head: Pyramid Mountain.  Wow.  The photo doesn't capture the colors well enough.  Lots of reds.  

Parks Canada has "Red Chairs" dotted around their national parks. Here's what they say on their Web site:  "Connect with nature in the country’s most unique and treasured places. Whether it’s a place to rest after a leisurely stroll or to cheer your successful completion of a strenuous hike, our red chairs offer a place to slow down, to relax and to truly discover the best that Parks Canada has to offer."

We came across a pair.  We slowed down. We relaxed.  We discovered some of the best Parks Canada has to offer.

And here's what we saw.  BTW, US National Park Service, Bean did just fine on the Pyramid Lake Trail.  If only all dogs were as well behaved, especially the two who had tried to eat Bean a couple of days before on the hike to Lake Agnes.  

John and Pam are having a blast. 

Birding has been good:  5 lifers on the trip, but the Pacific Wren (#6)was elusive today.

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