Wednesday, June 22, 2016

22 June. We made it to Dawson City!!!

We had some trepidation about the drive from Whitehorse, Yukon north to Dawson City.  The drive is along the Klondike Highway. We had read the road conditions were sketchy, but all-in-all we found the 327 miles to be an easy drive with typical stunning scenery.  The road was a little narrower and for most of the way there were no shoulders, but the pavement was good and, thankfully, the weather was excellent.  Once again we came to understand where the planet is getting a lot of its oxygen:  from Canadian trees which, for the entire trip were endless from horizon to horizon.  We continue to marvel at the number of lakes.  Most of this drive was along the Yukon River.  It extends from Whitehorse through Dawson, and eventually to the arctic ocean.     

Dawson City is laid out pretty much the same as it was in 1905 or so.  

Many of the buildings in town are original.  Some, in equivalent condition to this one, are in use.  Not much attention to condemning structures.

Jack London's house.  He may have written White Fang or part of Call of the Wild here. 

We had a good meal at "Klondike Kate's"

1 comment:

  1. The gold mining company I worked for from 1991-2000 had a property outside of Dawson City. Me and two other guys went there in late Sept 1997 to give them an environmental audit. We flew to Whitehorse and drove to Dawson because the weather in Dawson at that time of year can be foggy, so flying in and out is iffy and we were on a strict schedule. My impression was: if you want to get lost, this is the place to do it.


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