Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Yellowstone National Park, 24 May. Also Amazing.

We drove from Grand Teton National Park over the JD Rockerfeller National Parkway to enter Yellowstone from the south.  Our primary goal was to get to our RV park in West Yellowstone, but nevertheless we drove over 100 miles in the park and made some stops along the way.

I am not kidding. I took this photo.  Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.  
...part of the reason for the name.  

Boiling Mud.  Fun.

These bison are descendants of an unbroken herd that has roamed Yellowstone since pre-historic times. Once their numbers dwindled to a few dozen after over hunting.  Today they number over 4,500.  The are a ubiquitous part of the landscape.

It's hard to see, but there is a calf nursing.  I don't think he has more than a day or two more of that business. He's getting huge.

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