Sunday, May 22, 2016

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

The town is Jackson.  The ski area is Jackson Hole, but it seems that all the locals refer to it as Jackson Hole. By any measure, this place is one of the most spectacularly-beautiful spots in America.  Even by the standards of comparison we have after 13 years in Colorado, the endless vistas of valley meadows at the base of snow-capped rugged peaks is breath-taking.  We know why people chose to live here, but we imagine the winters are harsh.

This is the view we had coming from the east skirting Grand Teton National Park on its south side. We will visit it on Tuesday.  It was Saturday.  We noticed the temperature dropping to the mid-30s and some showers on the horizon.  Before long we were driving in the middle of a moderate blizzard as we entered town from the north.

Just north of Jackson Hole is the National Elk Refuge,  We figured it was something designated a few years ago in response to the environmental movement.  We stopped at an interpretive sign to learn it was established in 1915.  It's an amazing place, just for elk, with no trails for humans.

We got the important stuff out of the way soonest by finding the best brew pub in town.  They serve an amazing American Pale Ale.  We're going back on Monday to be certain it wasn't a fluke.

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