Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Yellowstone, Day 2

We drove 190 miles in Yellowstone National Park today.  And, we still have not gotten to see Old Faithful.  That will come tomorrow.  The highlights were:  We saw one of the park wolves with four or five pups hanging from her teats.  The park service has a den scoped out about a mile from the road. With a scope we could just see them.  We were a little late with a 75 mile drive in rain and snow. By the time we got there most of the dozens of folks on the hunt were packing up.  I had the scope trained on the den.  Mary was looking and saw the mom come out with a pup in her mouth. Her call resulted in another dozen folks getting a look.  Snow. Yes snow. It rained all night.  We were fortunate that most park roads were open, but it looked more like winter at 9,000 feet than late spring.  I wish we had a photo of the wolves, but they were much too far away.  We did also see pronghorn, elk, mule deer, and a thousand bison.  We missed the bears.  Another time.

What a difference a day makes!

It is so cool to see bison everywhere.  We had seen many in Colorado, but they were all on ranches with some, no doubt, headed for burger heaven.

More yellow stone behind Mary and Bean.

Sometimes you feel like you're driving in a mystical land from a fantasy novel navigating a thin skin floating on the top of a boiling cauldron.  Scenes like this, with steam coming off the landscape, were common all over the park.

Mammoth Hot Springs is a sight to behold The bubbling, mineral rich water, can create up to 3 feet of travertine per year.  

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