Thursday, May 26, 2016

Yellowstone Day 3. Old Faithful

Thursday, 26 May was our last day in Yellowstone National Park. The only thing we had missed (other than bears) seeing (that we wanted to see on this trip) was Old Faithful.  It's not as faithful as it was a few decades back when it spewed every 61 minutes, but nevertheless we only had to wait about an hour and twenty minutes to share this experience with about 1,000 of our closest friends.  In 2015 Yellowstone took in more than 4,000,000 visitors.  We have noticed the crowds growing just in the three days we have been able to enjoy it.  The video embedded here runs about 45 seconds.  In the past the geyser might have erupted up to 5 minutes.  Today it was about 1 minute, but still impressive shooting up to ~100 feet.

Old Faithful did not disappoint.

This was one half of the semi circle watching Old Faithful.

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