Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Montana: 80MPH

Montana is not messing around with speed limits.  In years past, the limit on remote roads was "Reasonable and Prudent," but that meant no federal funding.  We don't have a photo, but one of our favorite spots on this subject was a Montana "School Zone" with a reduced speed limit to 55 MPH.  ;-) 


  1. My favorite speeding ticket ever was in Montana heading to Glacier NP. I was in my Toyota Supra and a state trooper caught me coming over a rise. I was probably doing 90. He wrote me a ticket for $5.00. I gave him a $5 bill, he gave me a ticket and I drove off.

  2. In 1972, I was stationed at Ent AFB and got an assignment to Fairchild AFB in Spokane. On my way there, I drove through Montana in my 1972 Datsun 240Z (still have it) and got up to 125 mph before it started floating, so I backed off a bit. Also came upon a Golden Eagle eating road kill and I was going about 90 mph. It flew across the road over me and just missed going through my windshield. It was almost as big as my car, or looked that way as it went by.


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