Friday, July 15, 2016

12 July, Seward Alaska. Kayaking.

The drive from Homer to Seward was another case of immense beauty.  Seward is another port town.  We stayed at a US Army Recreation Facility.  The good news is it was cheaper than we had been paying, but not necessarily much nicer. John went for a hike alone with the bears.  On day two, we all went on a guided kayak tour of a tiny part of Resurrection Bay.  

You can't see them, but "Dog Salmon" are spawning in the water behind us.

Pam imitating Mae West.  ...oblique humor. Let me know if you get it.

Mary and Richard trying to stay vertical.

The paddles are supposed to be exactly in tandem. So you can see what experts we are.

Note, John is resting, while Pam does the work.

The cabin behind marks a homesteader's claim.  He still owns the land on this bay.

Just spectacular scenery.

Two Marbled Murrelets.  The Murrelet is one of the few birds who swims underwater using its wings. 

Mary in the foreground. Pam and John pulling away.

After the kayak tour we ate at a little place called "Zudy's."  We chose it to reconnect with a young woman named Cassia who had driven from Denver to Seward in a clapped-out pickup truck by herself. We met her at a construction stop along the Alaska Highway near Muncho Lake in British Columbia.  She said, "Stop by and say hello at Zudy's."  So we did.

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