Friday, July 15, 2016

10 July. Anchor Point, AK. Running Roy Pool's dogs.

As mentioned previously, at low tide it is possible to drive on the beach.  Most of our days at Anchor Point we got out to run Roy's dogs along with Bean and Dory.  I should know their names, but sadly I cannot remember. I do, however, remember the fun we had with them on the beach.

Bald eagles abound. Seriously they are nearly as numerous as crows or gulls.

John is always on the lookout for a daily Instagram post that summarizes the day.  I am not sure if he posted this one.  

The dogs ran miles and miles just trying to get a bird to sit still.

Bean and Dory were in heaven. 

As were Roy's English Setters.

Pam and Roy.  I cannot overstate the majesty.  Look at the mountains on the horizon--just amazing.

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